We are so excited and proud of our product.
Easy and better management of categorized books online
Customize library's individual requirements to better manage your libraries
Better management of Chinese Books Online
Easy and save time for batch work
Eliminate manual way of tracking member, save time and efficient in work
Books, members, loan, return all info can be search online, fast and easy
Eliminate manual way of tracking books, track inventory and cost price
Manage books loan and return online, save time and effort. Able to track the books availability instantly.
Able to track the books loan history, identify the most popular books loan and books category
Allow patrons to have flexibility to extend the return date before due date
Able to liaise with us directly for support issue locally
Easy to locate books online.
Generate custom barcode for your needs
Able to penalize patrons for late return books
Flexible to reset password
Simple and Easy-to-use system interface
Provide different reports format like csv, excel, pdf and allow to print
Patrons Convenience
Use our website, mobile website to manage your libraries anywhere and at anytime.